Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My Friends Call Me Messlie

My friends call  me Messslie

I am a piceses.  I have been told this is partly the reason why I am very disorganized.
Hey, I'll go with that.

I did not grow up in a very organized household.  I am the oldest of seven children, so everything was always everywhere.  My house, while clean, was never organized, laundry was never completely done, and dirty dishes were always being made. No big deal, it's not as if we weren't fed and clean.

So, I don't stress over a couple of dishes in the sink, or that I haven't had time to go to the laundry mat.
My ex-in-laws, however, TOTAL neat freaks ( you wouldn't know by what a slob my ex is, but that's neither here nor there).

I only stress out when they come over because I have to dust and get rid of any evidence of dander (we have a cat), for fear that my FIL will have an allergy attack and deem my home unfit for my children (they have a cat).  I literally have to make the whole place clean enough for someone to eat off every damn surface... and that, my friends, is just not me.

Most nights, I work until two, so when I get a night off to spend with my daughters, I could care less about the pans I use to cook a nice family meal. Meh, they'll be there tomorrow, they aren't  going anywhere, right? They aren't going to walk out the door and tell the damn dish police or call dish protective services.
Well after I got the children off to school today, I was tired and sat down on the couch and fell asleep, pans on the stove and all (I know, "gasp").  who do you think knocked on my door five  minutes after? My ex MIL.

This was great.  Not only did I look like a lazy, do nothing mom because I just woke up, but I had laundry piled up, ready to go to the car for the laundry mat, and last nights meatloaf pan was on the counter next to a half finished bottle of wine.

She proceeded to talk to me about responsibility and then left.
After that I got together the rest of my laundry, and put the meatloaf pan in the sink.  I've done laundry, but the pan is still soaking. Oh well.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks Brandi! Friend request sent.
    _Leslie :)

  3. I got fired for this post today......

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. my employer and I discussed my resignation on monday, and it was verbally revoked and understood I would remain working at said place of business.

  6. http://momsvsmoms.blogspot.ca
